Dutch startup Nerdalize is seeking investment for technology that will help heat your home with computer power.
This isn’t a new concept of course. Microsoft has previously published a research paper, in which it argues that servers can be sent to homes and office buildings and used as a primary heat source – it calls this the ‘Data Furnace’. And a similar company called AoTerra is also making moves in this area.
For Nerdalize, its ‘server’ will look and operate like a normal electric heater. It claims that computing power could be up to 60% cheaper than conventional data-centers, while offering free heating for home owners too.
Nerdalize wants to raise €315,000 for the first year, and is looking to crowdfund €50,000 of that through Symbid.com.
Anyway, check out the demo video for yourself here:
➤ Nerdalize
via The Next Web http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheNextWeb/~3/WCIC5Lkq0AE/
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